The routines of daily life can often feel like prison. But how can you break free without burning it all down? Instead, can you simply EMERGE from the fog??
I find that even the textbook definition of Emerge gives me chills.
What beautiful images arise from these descriptions.
To Become Known.
For most of my life I had an intense feeling that there was something or someone deep within me that was dying to be seen.
In my dreams she was graceful, peaceful, confident. She loved her family outwardly, did work that made her proud. She was in alignment with the world.
But she was buried beneath fear, conditioning, shame, regret, and a whole lot of other completely bullshit feelings that kept me small and dissatisfied.
While I still battle with some of these very human feelings, I have learned to recognize them and put self awareness to work. Years of study and self experimentation have allowed a new and powerful woman to Emerge.
I was finally able to confidently quit a job I did not love, be more present with my kids, enjoy my husband, and make peace with a lot of baggage and stories that were constantly in my head. I spend time with friends without guilt, travel alone, make money with ease, and feel completely in tune with my body.
Emerge is the The BauerHouse signature coaching package.
In the 6 Week Emerge Life Coaching Program you can work with me, a certified coach, to uncover your highest, most radiant, confident, and powerful self.
Most people are not taught these skills. It is easy to believe that this is only for enlightened gurus. I promise, it's for YOU.
How long do you want to ignore that amazing woman inside of you?????
