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Majoring in the Minor Things


Updated: Aug 16, 2022

My husband uses this phrase often. He’s very good at noticing when I’m worried about something really inconsequential and ignoring the issues that are truly important. He has that visionary thing going on.

We all major in the minor at times. At home it may look like obsessing over quitting your gym membership to save $100 a month when you are miserable in your body. Or fighting over who does the dishes when you really are upset about your partner traveling every week for work.

In our careers, it is even more evident. It’s the to-do list trap. It’s prioritizing the urgent over the important. This is a common trap for new leaders. They know how to 'do the things' but struggle with big picture thinking.

How many hours a week do you spend looking at expenses while ignoring a large growth opportunity?

How many meetings do you hold to discuss an underperforming manager while ignoring the lack of training in your company?

These are the minor issues that suck our time and energy away from the major ones.

We focus on the minor things for a couple reasons:

1. Your brain likes immediate gratification. We love fighting fires. It’s an adrenalin and serotonin party.

2. The big stuff feels…..BIG. Too Big.

So we go where the feel good chemicals are and we avoid the mountains.

Mountains require planning, equipment, money, change, and oftentimes…uncomfortable conversations.

When I coach clients personally and for leadership development, I hear the same things:

I don’t have time to ________________, because I’m too busy dealing with _____________.

Fill in the blank with your mountain…..I know you have one.

I know that moving the mountain changes everything.

Addressing the root cause of your relationship issues saves marriages.

Focusing on the big goals of your business results in exponential growth.

When we coach together, I help you to see clearly when you are majoring in the minor things.

I help you to understand where the real issues lie and we create simple actions to get the ball moving in a productive way.

It’s simple and powerful.

Can you do it on your own? Sure. My goal is to teach you habits and skills to be more self-aware and accountable to moving your mountains. Over time, it becomes your natural way of living and leading.

Coaching is an accelerator.

The benefits of this awareness will positively impact every aspect of your life. You can stop “playing small’’ and start to experience the expansiveness of your life.

There are 2 ways to work with me. 1:1 every other week or weekly small group coaching for new leaders.

Learn more about leadership and personal development coaching at You can schedule a meeting with me to see if coaching is right for you.

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