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What to Do When a Good Employee is Struggling

If you lead a team, you know what I’m talking about. Sometimes good employees fall below the bar. If you ascribe to EOS, this is the GWC test. Get it, want it, capacity to do it.

So what do you do when you have a strong employee that you enjoy working with, but they are struggling with a critical component of the role or culture?

In my years as a leader most companies take one of the following approaches:

1. Terminate - “I just don’t have time for this”

2. Train, train, and train some more

3. Build complicated systems around them

4. Hope it gets better

None of these feel great. With the exception of termination, they all sometimes feel like putting off the inevitable.

When we let performance issues drag on, results and morale always suffer.

There is a better and underutilized option.

Coaching is a phenomenal approach to help an employee to rise ‘above the line’ or to make a thoughtful decision to exit a role.

Why does coaching work so well in this situation?

1. Coaches provide a safe space to explore the root cause of performance issues. Issues may be stemming from sources that aren’t easily addressed in the formal business environment.

2. Coaches teach clients how to address their mindset and view of life/work circumstances in a healthy, long lasting way. We are trained to do this work.

3. Clients (aka- Your Employees) produce their own results. Coaching is not consulting. This makes positive change very self sustaining.

4. Coaches can focus intensely on helping the employee. This is our only job. We don’t have competing obligations.

And while coaches always maintain personal confidentiality with their clients, we often learn about the business ecosystem in the process and can share helpful observations with leadership.

Coaching individuals to ‘GWC’ and to get ‘above the line’ is my focus. I want to see people succeed, be happy at work, and be an example of what's possible. I’ve supported and built high performance teams in many successful businesses.

Business acumen, emotional intelligence, and highly efficient coaching produce measurable results, often immediately.

Together, we invest in the people that grow and nurture your business.

To discuss 1:1 employee coaching opportunities, visit: and schedule a discovery call.

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