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Retreat Announcement
"Building A New Identity"
Fall 2023

The moment we first step into business we become a chameleon.


We grow up. We suit up. We play the part. We ascend up the ladder and build successful businesses. But at the same time, we build a life. 


What happens when our life looks very different from the identify we have built professionally?


What happens when we are a creative extrovert by night and CPA by day?


Or when we commit our lives to parenting 4 children and lead a young group of marketers from 9-5. 


Or when we lose our faith and run a Christian non-profit?


Many of my clients wrestle with a persistent identity crisis. This crisis results in a stagnant career and and unfulfilling life. 


The stakes are high. Maintaining our image is critical and exhausting. 


There is a better way. 


You can redefine yourself anytime. You can deliberately create a new image and leadership style. It’s hard work. But it’s possible and wildly rewarding. 


This fall, I am offering a 2 day retreat where we will do this work together. 8 established, influential leaders will work with me to methodically create a new persona. 


Old habits and beliefs will be shed. New opportunities will arise. 


Specific dates and US location TBD


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Leadership Retreats

Customized Professional Team Building & Planning Retreats

BauerHouse believes that high performance leadership teams are the bedrock of strong culture at work. And like all relationships, connection is key for trust, vulnerability, and just being in sync.


We host retreats for leadership teams to build connections and resilience.

Retreats are customized to the needs of your group. We will build an experience that incorporates education, team building, issue resolution, brainstorming and annual planning.  

Oh yeah…and Fun! We hate lame teambuilding exercises too. So, we promise to make it exciting.

We aren’t opposed to mechanical bull riding and surf lessons if that floats your boat.

Retreat locations may be anywhere in the United States.

Request a consultation to discuss options and fees:

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