Emerging Leaders - Group Coaching FAQ’s
1. Is there a curriculum?
Yes. The curriculum works like a menu and a roadmap.
The sessions are 30% teaching from a fixed curriculum and 70% live coaching.
Each week there is a theme for the coaching calls. Themes will repeat every so often. But because coaching is situational and topics are brought forth by students, the content that supports the theme is always unique.
This guarantees that over several months we address the following tenets of Holistic Leadership:
Self- Purpose, Presence, Mindfulness, Self-accountability
Others- Communication, Empathy, Empowerment, Trust, Developing others
Results- Problem Solving, Strategy, Performance Measurement, Data, Culture, Growth
Theme repetition allows us to understand concepts more deeply and apply them in novel ways.
Members may stay in the group for as long as they are receiving value. A term of 3-6 months is typical.
Sessions start with teaching and then move into group coaching for 1-2 issues that members brings to the group. The coach will guide the group to a root cause and solution/action. Members then bring their learning to their companies.
2. What tools influence the curriculum?
I’m so glad you asked. Finally….my nerd brain has been dying to share.
What influences the BauerHouse Holistic Leadership Curriculum and Philosophy?
Smart People
Simon Sinek, Patrick Lencioni, Susan Cain, Tony Robbins, Malcom Gladwell, Brene Brown, Byron Katie, Steven Covey, Jim Collins, Daniel Pink, John Wooden, John Maxwell, John Kotter, and many others.
My library is my treasure chest and tool box. This list will grow and change weekly.
Timeless Concepts will be introduced every week:
Holistic Leadership, Conscious Leadership, Servant Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Pareto Rule, Safety, Trust, Accountability, Stewardship, Influence, Balance, Failure.
Personal Inquiry
People run businesses. And people are unique and a wellspring of ideas and opportunity. We will dig deep into our own minds to uncover what thoughts, beliefs, and ideas are serving…and not serving us. Spoiler alert…this is the best part of coaching.
3. Group Members
Groups are comprised of 3-5 students in non-competitive markets and will only include 1 person per company to allow for privacy and the ability to tackle difficult and personal issues.
4. What is the time commitment?
Two 1 hour sessions are offered per week. Sessions will be during the work day. The final times will be set when registration closes. Students may drop into either session. No RSVP is required.
If a student attends 1 session per week they will experience the full curriculum in 3 months.
Students may stay in the group as long as they wish. The basic curriculum is the same, but the coaching is always unique.
5. Multiple Employees To Train??
If you have more than 2 people in your company that wish to join at the same time, I recommend creating a custom group of 4 people. We will parse out the education component separately and provide 1:1 coaching to each member. The cost per person is the same as the open group. Email me to discuss this option: elizabeth@bauerhousecoaching.com